Introduction 1

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                            SMALL OVERTURE

    What distinguishes good from bad  thinking? ... How to  improve
    thinking? His thinking? Thinking at  all? ...For more than  two
    thousand years, many  of the best  minds in philosophy,  logic,
    psychology,  pedagogy,  trying   to  find   answers  to   these
    questions. The history  of these efforts,  brilliant ideas  and
    the enormous labor expended on research and creative discussion
    is a vivid, dramatic picture.

                                                     Max Wertheimer

   The book  is intended  for anyone  who wants  to streamline  and
   improve your mind. It is  addressed to the knowledge workers  of
   all  professions  and  specialties:  designers  and   educators,
   technologists  and  doctors,  agronomists  and   mathematicians,
   biologists and economists, psychologists and oilmen,  physicists
   and programmers, and so on. D.

   He who  briefly flipped  through  it, one  might get  the  false
   impression that it is devoted  to computers and programming.  In
   fact it is not. It is  not a thinking machine, but about  people
   thinking  about  the  mysteries   and  peculiarities  of   human
   cognition and intelligence. About mysterious traps and  pitfalls
   that lie  in wait  for us  in the  difficult navigation  on  the
   boundless seas everyday mental work.  For information on how  to
   find salvation lighthouse and come  to the goal by the  shortest

   The book  proposes  a  new universal  means  to  facilitate  and
   improve the work of the mind, which can be used in many,  almost
   all areas of mental activity. In itself, this tool does not have
   any relation  to computers.  Therefore, it  can be  successfully
   applied and those who  do not like  computers, treats them  with
   suspicion or apprehension.  You will  need a  pencil, paper  and
   nothing  more.  In  short,  this   tool  is  quite  useful   for
   improvement of the most common (beskompyuternoy) mental work.

   However, fans of  computer would  benefit even  more, since  the
   said means can serve as the basis for a powerful new information
   technology  as  part  of  the  next  generation  of  information
   technology - cognitive information technologies.

   Perhaps, the book falls into the hands of the reader, who  would
   like to improve his mind, but that scare or annoy words such  as
   "algorithm", "software",  "formalization".  This  grief  is  not
   difficult to help. Now we compose comic dictionary that although
   violates  all   canons   of   scientific  rigor,   but   it   is
   understandable for beginners.

                         Frivolous dictionary

   Algorithm - a precise description of solving the problem, which
   leads to victory Algorithm - accurately describe the sequence of
   human actions Algorithm - an accurate and complete description
   of the work (activity) that allows other people to repeat this
   activity photographically accurate, without any deviation, and
   get the desired result Visual algorithm - an algorithm, the
   image is not as text, but as a visual image Visualization
   Algorithms - conversion algorithm, which is recorded as a bad
   and incomprehensible text into a good and clear picture The
   cognitive - informative. It is an awkward word to remember, as
   it will come across at every turn The program - a sequence of
   actions that people are too lazy to carry out himself, and
   therefore requests the computer or robot Formal - detailed A
   formal description - an accurate, unambiguous and complete
   description, devoid of gaps and ambiguities Formalizing -
   turning the ordinary (poor) to describe the formal (nice)
   Avtoformalizatsiya - is when a person performs a formalization
   itself, without resorting to the help of friends, relatives and
   bystanders The formalization of activities - an exact
   description of the rules by which the activity is performed.
   During the formalization of activities should be split into
   separate steps, indicate the sequence of their execution, as
   well as the conditions under which (or not done) every action.
   As a result of the formalization description of the activity is
   transformed into an algorithm Algorithmization - the same thing
   that the formalization of activities Algorithmization - making
   order in the realm of anarchy, eliminating confusion and
   sloppiness, prompting technological discipline Algorithmization
   - the process of creating an algorithm Ergonomics - the science
   of how to turn a complex, difficult and nasty work in simple,
   easy and pleasant Cognitive ergonomics - the science of how to
   facilitate and improve the mental work Ergonomizatsiya science -
   facilitating and improving research activities Ergonomizatsiya
   education - facilitating and improving training activities


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