Man I felt positively clever with that statement. Just today I was reading a book at the library, "The History of Physics". I was making a Vine of it, trying to compress billions of years in Physics discoveries into 6.8 seconds, taking a frame of each page. Started with the big bang. I got 1/2 way through the book before my 6.8 seconds was up and the Vine was full. When did I end up? 1837. 4 billion years, and 1837 is the 1/2 way mark? Ok, I understand skipping over several billion, million and thousands of years early on. But there is HUGE GAP between 76AD and 1100AD. Where did 1000 years of modern history go? It reminded me that it wasn't a book of The History of Physics. It was a book of the History of Physics From a Western European Perspective. Had none of the China stuff. None of the Middle Eastern stuff. Byzantine empire? What byzantine empire? Didn't exist in this book. Sometimes I want to take my American education and shove it somewhere but there's no place I can shove it.