Replacement angels. Search for God under another name. Continuation of Medieval Quest. Nothing wrong with it, just a new religion that refuses to call itself such.. and I suppose we could use a new one for this era. I prefer an 8-bit religion, with 16-bit and voxelized upgrades available. Here's a free life on me. FUNKANIC CHILLENGER 21 minutes ago Wait, I just got an extra life? * 1 KENNETH UDUT 9 minutes ago +FUNKANIC CHILLENGER Every time you replay it! No 80s arcade quarters required! Just the click of a button or pressing on a piece of glass with your finger. Hawking may be the priest of the alien=angel blackhole=God religion, but as much as I like it, I prefer an 8-bit religion, with 16-bit and voxelized upgrades available.