Well, as I made a short video on Vine telling ppl about it (who
   know nothing of BBS - one thought perhaps it had something to do
   with the Deep Web and Tor Browser. ... and, in a sense, very
   loosely so. I gave him credit for trying - oh wait - train of
   thought, yes:

   I told them I was helping a friend Time Travel 20-25 years into
   the past and I was bringing the impossible past into the

   Also, I successfully migrated the BBS setup into a DOSBox now
   running under a Win98 within VMware... so... CONCEPT PROVED:

   Web page --> Telnet through proxy server (fTelnet - and he does
   the SOCKS proxies too) --> Win7 --> Win98 within VMWare --> IP
   translated to Hayes Modem via DOSBox --> Pyroto Mountain.

   Swap out any BBS for Pyroto Mountain and it works!

   There's the speed issue but that's resolvable. Simply having the
   process working at all is very satisfying. Biggest credit goes
   to DOSBox..because all other methods for doing a Hayes modem
   emulation were failures, but DOSBox wins.