uber nerdy stuff from my ongoing research: (which has to do with humanity and how we think) An unsung hero from before I was born: The guy that came up with "many to many" relationships in databases, basically the GOTO for databases.* While modern programming/database style hates many-to-many and GOTO statements, this "on demand" way of thinking that can handle disorganized 'anythings' is exactly the kind of direction computers and information services need to go, and have been going.*** So if I had a hat, my hat's off to [1]#CharlesBachman who deserves a Hashtag, for without him, none of us would even be able to conceive of a hashtag even existing. Without him, it's likely everything would be super-organized and hierarchical, which is the direction things had been going back in that day. That's fine and all, but there's needs to be a way to "break out" of the structure otherwise no innovations will ever occur. Via: [2]http://databasemanagement.wikia.com/wiki/Network_Database_Model The Network Database Model was invented by Charles Bachman in 1969 to enhance the existing hierarchical database model. He created this model to increase the flexibility and make it less difficult to understand. To make this change Bachman developed the Network Database Model to allow multiple records to be linked to the same owner file creating a many-to-many relationship rather than a one-to-many. These many-to-many relationships were formed because one owner can linked to many member files and vice versa. To make the process faster Bachman also created these relationships to provide a relation between records using direct pointers, which is the fastest method of traversing (travel across) a network database." Interesting that what's new is old. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_model Relational databases have been all the rage for the past 35 years but starting a few years ago, Google, Apache and all the big whigs have been resurrecting an old idea and calling it new. I love it :P* "Look guys, it's NEW!" - no no, Google, etc - it's not new. References Visible links 1. https://plus.google.com/s/%23CharlesBachman 2. http://databasemanagement.wikia.com/wiki/Network_Database_Model