I couldn't draw one up but I can read them fine. I'm good on
   comprehension of subject matter -, poor on production smile

   Oh the numbers are how many posts for that time period. I
   treated it like a "google for my brain"... or at least a google
   for stuff I've produced. I have SO many 3x5 spiral notebooks to
   go through, typewritten papers to retype in... thousands of
   index cards to scan...

   anyway... it's disorganized and the only context is that of
   date/ and a google-type search. It took me a long time to come
   up with such a simple system.

   The left is "anniversary" - part of a hypothesis I have that I
   tend to have similar types of thought processes around the same
   time each year, the theory being that since I'm a part of this
   planet and locked in its cycles, it's likely my thinking
   processes will be similar from year to year around the same
   time, and that I'll produce similar writings each year, without
   realizing I've done them before.

   Seems to hold somewhat true, although I haven't given it a full
   study yet.