Well, there's always the weather, recent news, and you can always ask the "What do you think about?" questions, let them talk first, then you know how you should respond as to be least offensive and create a bond. The other person is probably just as awkward as you. Knowing that doesn't make it easier. Just practice does. I need more practice myself, but like you, I don't care for small talk tongue emoticon [although I usually do ok if I tell myself, "this is just a friend I haven't made yet". In terms of "future friend", it's easier] You've probably heard all those things already. But it's [1]#relatable - conversations that start with "Hi" and end with "Bye" are hard to do. Internet postings are way easier. References Visible links 1. https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/relatable?hc_location=ufi