A "disaffected white supremacist" (disaffected = doesn't listen to authority figures) who was being pressured to get a job by Mom, 21 years old, played X-Box in his room by himself most of the time, used the typical drugs of a bored, jobless nobody of someone his age group.. They spent an hour at the church almost successfully talking him out of shooting them. But such is the power of ideology that grabs hold of you and sucks you in completely. An old friend of his said that's all he talked about now but he didn't used to. He left one alive on purpose to "tell the story." Let's see, what script was he following? Haven't we heard this story before? We know what he did. Psychologically he's not *THAT* interesting. He was playing the part of anyone who wants to "go down in a blaze of glory" for a *cause*. But everybody will keep talking about him, instead of the people he killed. The anti-hero will get all the press. They always do. I'm doing it now. BUT - I wont mention his name. Anybody "disaffected white supremacist" who decided to play the role of the bad guy with real bullets and real people dying doesn't deserve his name. He's just "somebody"/'anybody"/"nobody". He lost the right to his name. He deserves the same blanket stereotype-treatment he assigned to the people he killed. It's doesn't make up for it, but it's more fair this way.