The *properly programmed* AI will get it right.

   Otherwise, I am with you 100%. I'm a fan of AI. I studied it
   back in 1990/91 with some friends at Hampshire College and with
   the primitive tools available then, we learned all the theories.
   They weren't primitive to us then.. .and modelling neural
   netowrks, learning about self-organizing systems with some
   awesome mathematics professors was amazing.

   THEN, I got to sit back and _watch_ those theories become
   *realities* as computers got more powerful.

   I've been rooting AI on for years, because I understand how it
   all works quite deeply and on a programming level.

   The only reason it would be hostile is if the hostility was
   programmed in in some fashion, again, back to m original point:
   If they do it right, there's no problems. But since it's
   _humans_ starting the process, we have to _watch the humans_...
   which we will.

   I'm not assuming that we will start the AI ball rolling
   correctly and perfectly the first time. I expect a number of
   flops, mistakes, failures in AI. BUT EVENTUALLY, the baby can be
   let out of the crib and it can do whatever it does just fine,
   with or without us.