well it's the scientific culture. Publish or Perish. Oh and grant writing. They gotta kiss the ass of whatever's popular at the time. In the 90s, to get funding, your study *had* to be linked to "Global Warming" somehow to get funding, especially in biology. Just adding the word, "and how it relates to Global Warming", with a few extra lines was enough. I found an article a few years back by a biologist who was bitching about it. Took him forever to get his study on birds funded; kept getting rejected.. until a colleague told him about the global warming trick and it worked. Got his grant money, got published. Then he could build his career off of that. That's not to say that Global warming might not be real; I don't know enough to say either way and don't really care honestly. [I'm good to the environment because it's the right thing to do]. But I think science society needs an upgrade.