[1]RL Reed That's part of your belief system and it's a popular belief and that's fine. The flaw, [2]James L Wolfenstein is that mathematics is an ANALOGY to real world systems, but it _isn't_ the real world systems. Here, take a perspective from a physics professor WARNING physics professors about the dangers of excessive analogizing, INCLUDING the fact that mathematics is an ANALOGY, with flaws that do not reflect reality itself. If a student does not learn that mathematics is an analogy while working on physics, they will practice their craft believing that mathematics *is* reality. VERY dangerous way of thinking and leads us into "la la" land. [3]https://www.lhup.edu/~dsimanek/scenario/analogy.htm References Visible links 1. https://www.facebook.com/rlreed5150?hc_location=ufi 2. https://www.facebook.com/jimmy.wolfy.5?hc_location=ufi 3. https://www.lhup.edu/%7Edsimanek/scenario/analogy.htm