Well, that's one possibility smile emoticon I tend towards a
   systemic view which incorporates 'us' into it, as a map needs a
   reader and a city needs a navigator and, well, there be humans
   here using the maps and navigating the territories.

   I believe we have biological limitations, but I think it's
   possible to know as much as is... well.. "humanly possible" by
   recognizing ourselves as a critical part of ANY simplifications
   of the descriptions of reality.

   As long as we believe we are somehow "outside of it", we'll
   always hit a brick wall that's... well.. not really there.
   The good part is, we have a long way to go. Plenty of time to
   pretend we can view reality objectively. We've barely gotten
   into the areas where unique, unclassifiable subjectivity makes a
   difference to the systems we use. We will eventually, I believe,
   hit that wall, but I'll be long dead.
   [and I don't just mean human subjectivity, but the subjectivity
   of all things from their own perspectives]. Anyway - let me know
   what you think of the book - and thanks again for letting me get
   my thoughts out grin emoticon