[1]#neuroscience [2]#marketing [3]#advertising [4]#branding 400 milliseconds.* Just under 1/2 a second is how long it takes to go, "Ooh, that's different! That's interesting! This matters!* I care about this!" [5]#N400 effect - it's not [6]#brainwashing when used in marketing, but it's dang close to it if you're not paying attention to what you're paying attention to.[7]clothing_ooh References Visible links 1. https://plus.google.com/s/%23neuroscience 2. https://plus.google.com/s/%23marketing 3. https://plus.google.com/s/%23advertising 4. https://plus.google.com/s/%23branding 5. https://plus.google.com/s/%23N400 6. https://plus.google.com/s/%23brainwashing 7. http://icopiedyou.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/clothing_ooh.jpg