Yeah -the lumps of clay could be considered the
   compartmentalization of knowledge into silos or, in a more
   useful form - a Venn diagram.* Overused but useful. Well,
   comparmentalization in general.* I dunno. I don't like
   categorizations because of implications they bring in; and I
   don't believe mind-reading is possible, just pattern noticing.
   Anyway, I've been working on pulling it all together, trying to
   acknowledge the perspectives least favorable to me as being
   equally correct to my own, even if they see mine as incorrect.
   I'm trying to get accustomed to the awkward without
   compromising.* The 'real me' hasn't gotten absorbed; yet I want
   to navigate this planet, freely accepting all perspectives in
   some fashion while retaining my own, allowing myself to have
   firm opinions and even to be judgemental on occasion without
   causing offense and still allowing the freedom for others to
   carry on with my opinion noticed and the sense of free choice
   not curtailed from within the person's self. I don't just want
   to be right from my point of view.* I want to be right from all
   points of view which includes being wrong from any point of
   view. I don't want to be right for right's sake; I just want to
   be understood and allow for others that same freedom. I don't to
   be a disturbance yet I also want peace among all in some