WHY DO I WRITE SO MUCH? ...the moment, once gone, can only be
   imitated, not duplicated. We pretend we can predict the future,
   but we can't - just a little of it.* For example, these could be
   my very last words. It's not a sad thing, not really, but it
   drives me forward to be as clear as possible, to express
   difficult to express things, through the tiny hole I have here;
   the bandwidth and speed of the wires + radio signals is the hose
   and the water.... and yet I don't have much time - life is full
   of stopping what you are doing because there's something else
   demanding more attention. So I try to get it all out, before the
   fire of the dragon burns me up and what I want to say is lost.
   It always comes back later on. But the moment, once gone, can
   only be imitated, not duplicated. background: [some additional
   thoughts on: "*Getting ideas out is like trying to squeeze a
   tube of toothpaste through an unyielding pin hole to brush the
   teeth of a dragon before he has a chance to exhale.* -Ken, April
   13, 2015 -" which some friends are discussing on a FB thread]