O_O you've described me. woah I've complained about my lack of
   fine motor skills since I was little.* Drawing, soldering,
   anything requiring precise motor control was out.* Percussive?*
   Fast?* I'm there.* 110 wpm on keyboard, 810 bpm on piano (I like
   arpeggiating tuplets at 270 bpm.. to use the weird music
   language that always seemed pompous to me) But the hyper-acute
   senses... wow.* I can't shut off any of my senses.* Touch
   especially.* I'm aware of every pressure in and on my body at
   all times.* Takes full effort to stay calm as much as possible.*
   I'm successful yet I also stay out of stressful situations as
   much as possible, lest I get tunnel vision - and I don't want to
   be on anti-anxiety meds anyway. [challenge of the thing] Hm.* I
   should look into Aspergers again.