Thank you Yes, Potential is a trigger word for me as well. So is
   "should". The expectations of others and their ongoing judgement
   call. They ain't got the right, but,, they do it anyway.

   I think I wrote this in response to all the times they said,
   "Kenneth has great potential", when I knew what they meant was
   "Isn't *quite* where he "should" be". Still, I allowed myself to
   believe only the good in the concept of potential and utilize

   I make judgement calls too.

   But my judgement calls on creativity? "You are awesome!" There
   is no other judgement call to me that's valid. Without
   inspiration, creativity falls to the ground and disappears like
   summer rain on hot pavement.

   Keeping inspiration alive is so critical to me, no matter where
   I find it, whether within myself, or within someone else.

   If I do make any other judgement call, I have to practically be
   *begged* for specifics. THEN I'll be _very careful_ to be
   precise, exact, surgical and apply lots of healing salve. I
   stick around with the patient-who-wants-to-be-treated until
   they're satisfied with where they've come. To me criticism is
   something not to be taken lightly. Its a very powerful force,
   usually handled by those who are clueless at its application and
   destructive in the process