I have leanings towards
   [1]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_mysterianism - ok, I found a
   new group I have to comprehend, embrace, then find the fatal
   flaws in, if any, then decide whether to accept or reject. Shit.
   I found the camp I fall into. I'm currently a "New

   *sigh*... I'm glad that "I'm not alone" yet I won't be happy
   until I know everything that's wrong with it. This will help me
   identify flaws in my own thinking processes and assumptions. Oh
   gawd, this is "so me":
   ""I can say this. I believe that the human mind, or even the
   mind of a cat, is more interesting in its complexity than an
   entire galaxy if it is devoid of life. I belong to a group of
   thinkers known as the 'mysterians.' It includes Roger Penrose,
   Thomas Nagel, John Searle, Noam Chomsky, Colin McGinn, and many
   others who believe that no computer, of the kind we know how to
   build, will ever become self-aware and acquire the creative
   powers of the human mind. I believe there is a deep mystery
   about how consciousness emerged as brains became more complex,
   and that neuroscientists are a long long way from understanding
   how they work." Martin Gardner

   Excuse me while I curse violently. shit fuck fuck shit damn crap
   balls doo-doo, muck, slime, moist, shiver, fickle, poignent,
   contrived, macaroni, disingenousaladitarianismist.... *ugh*! I
   feel naked.


   Visible links
   1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_mysterianism