I'm kind of happy. I never know what project I will embark on in
   my "free time". This was my free time. Tonight (I've been awake
   between 12am-7am my time) - I got to pretend to be a Translator
   of Ancient Texts and "Speaker For The Dead" ... something I
   always wanted to do. I don't like people being quoted out of
   context. I don't like when it happens to me and I don't like
   when it happens to dead people who can't defend their own words.
   I saw an awful "quote" from Clement of Alexandria - around 180AD
   or so and thought, "Wait a sec... that doesn't sound right".*
   And... it wasn't. I got to use the full "Power of the Internet"
   and I uncovered Ancient Texts, used various translators, I even
   fixed a bad scan of a language I CAN'T EVEN READ, and got to
   watch the magic as I replaced badly scanned Greek letters and
   Google Translate was popping words in for me, until it made
   sense. I defended the honor of a man who cannot speak for
   himself on charges of misogyny (woman hating) and I believe
   successfully so. Another dream fulfilled!*** Kenneth Udut:
   Speaker For The Dead