N.K."Wouldn't it be amazing if we could all just understand each
   other without this effort? It's amazing to me when i watch a
   group of people talking, and they all seem to be saying things
   that don't even seem like a whole conversation, and yet they
   seem to have understood each other and sometimes have come to
   group consensus, and I have no clue as to what just went on." I
   think something happens that akin to what happens to when
   different people listen to the same piece of music and have the
   same experience with it: Their brainwave patterns are the same.
   They're the same person, more or less for that period of time.

   I think the same type of thing when humans get into groups of 3
   or more and are in agreement.

   They really do share a brain. I'm sure some scientist will
   measure it someday, if they haven't already. They measured the
   music thing already and it seems to be true, so I wouldn't be
   surprised if the aphorism of "they share one brain among them"
   is literally true.