I worked for a pharm company in the late 90s/early 2000s in NJ.* They're not all cheerleader types, and not all women (just as many men), but they all have "the charm". Thankfully, by then they had limited the amount of 'perks' they could give for switching over to their drug. -- I don't like taking pills, outside of the basics, unless I must.* Then again, I'm relatively healthy right now.* When I do have to take some kind of medicine, even antibiotics, I read up on them first.* I always take them as prescribed, but eat yogurt or kefir to build back the good bacteria 'cause I don't like how it feels internally when I don't. I like to know what I'm taking, what side-effects are, and most importantly, what alternatives are available.* If I get diabetes and losing 30 lbs may fix it, I'll shoot for that first etc.* If I can't do it myself, or if it's ridiculous for me to go to extremes, then I won't hesitate.* But I always research 'cause I don't like surprises. -- I can't complain though.* Never been prescribed anything except antibiotics for the dentist a few times.* I was on zantac for an ulcer when it was prescription.* It worked (that's before it was otc).* And Lorazapam for panic attacks when I was like 25 or so.* Didn't follow the prescription there though* I'd break them in half and take as LITTLE as possible.* Only needed it for a short time anyway. -- Well I personally don't have the dedication as such for that but I don't see doctors unless I must and that's so far quite rare. I take Zinc on a semi-regular basis.* I once played around with various doses of different vitamins and settled on a more or less daily zinc, and I try to have b12 and Magnesium a few times a week (especially if I feel I've been low on meat or salad/other veggies). I try to get between 50-100 grams of protein a day, very little sugar, and I avoid white flour.* Not exclusive or anything; but when I have a choice, I avoid them. If I have something bad-fatty, I have some good fat in the day to balance it. I don't use flouride toothpaste either - gives me a belly ache (and I know the chemical properties of flourine and how it reacts to silicon (one of the main ingredients of gum tissue - why its waterproof). It may be fine for your teeth, but your gums and the rest of you, not so much.* So, I remineralize my teeth by... breathing (#1 tooth remineralization method - your teeth recalicify without much trouble), massage my gums and brush or wipe my teeth with baking soda or I'll use a basic toothpaste now and again* [even with flouride sometimes, but I try to avoid it] I made my own kefir for a few years but it got to be a bit much keeping the seed going, so I buy store greek yogurt in the big tub.* [I used to make my own as well - super-easy to do, just haven't bothered for a while) -- I think it's awesome that you have a plan that you're successful at it!* If it works, it works :)* Best weight loss I had that I was happy with 30 lbs and that's when I switched to splenda from sugar and stopped drinking beer every night.* 30 lbs in 4 months and I set my goal to keep it off for a time before continuing the downward plunge.* Kept it off so far for about 6 years.* I'm still at my weight when I was 18 and I got my "college 20" or whatever it was; but it's still overweight.* I'm 220, and the charts from the 1950s say I should be 175 - , but 13 yrs ago I got down to 195 through protein stuff (Atkin-ish but I kept the fat lower and added occasional fruit, veggies and good oils; when the South Beach Diet came out a few years later I was like, "Woah, that's pretty much how I modified it") Anyway, when I got to 195, and went to the gym a lot... I started feeling sickish.* Might have been the dieting or the exercise, but when I bounced back to 205 I felt much better and then a 2nd bounce back to 220, I felt normal and healthy.* So I'm not ready to try to push it down further just yet.* I should of course but not ready yet. I consider maintaining as much of a victory as losing. --