If one is to simplify even the nature of the turbulence and chaotic attractors and take away the fanciness of it, what is left is a whirlwind or perhaps gravity - which, while it has more of a potential to be mathematically modeled, *still* leaves the impetus question: external, internal, neither, both, etc. It's hard not to wax poetic in all of this; are we but the eye of the storm in the midst of chaos? So then, what is the nature of the still point itself? An area of balance? etc. etc. Still, I find personally the interface between the still point and the surrounding chaos and/or complexity the most interesting part of all. The o between the -o+ - the slash between either/or - etc. I think that's where the juicy stuff is. It's the nature of impetus. Are we but [some set of external factors with which whose interactions produce life] or [an intrinsic 'something other' with its own impetus?]