* n school, I always liked being first because I was judged
       least harshly. People were more forgiving of error. But when
       I was last, my performance was compared against all the
       others. This bias also showed up in grading. [yeah, kids
       compare grades, even in elementary school and they see
       teacher-patterns the teachers miss].

       Having been in business as well, it's true. Being first
       doesn't make you the most right, but it cuts you the most
       slack... and if it's not a series of prepared presentations,
       then the first speaker always sets the agenda upon which the
       others are based again. So in short, yes. [1]Amanda Gold
       [2]41 mins * [3]Like
     * [4][IMG]
       [5]Kenneth Udut Then again... sometimes the first is given
       the harshest criticism because it's center-stage and after
       the ideas you give are torn apart by the vultures, some
       ALTERNATIVE idea from someone else that HASN'T been torn
       apart seems much better because it's whole and hasn't been
       made.. full of holes.

       So.. I guess it depends on what's being presented, the
       nature of the meeting, how people are talking and whether
       it's brainstorming, equal presentations, etc.


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