Well, my bias at the moment is, philosophically, I tend towards
   a historical, sociocultural, biological (neurology with leanings
   towards embodied cognition as a framework), and THEN things
   considered the realm of Idea. In other words, I see both modern
   Science and the Western religious tradition as both having the
   same concept: being Platonic - "that there is a universe of
   Ideals or Abstracts that exists outside of space + time" more or
   less. I don't reject it outright as being a possibility; but I
   do tend towards an embodied cognition approach rather than a
   dichotomy of mind/body; we're humans on the planet earth who are
   discussing these things, with peculiarities due to our
   biological makeup. The level of discussion you want is Platonic
   in nature: Boolean Logic, Ideas, Rational, Abstract, Concrete,
   Law of Excluded Middle - I'm not rejecting these as invalid; but
   putting them in a historical, sociocultural and neurological
   context first. I believe we can have meaningful discussions, and
   I would like to, if you're willing to step a little deeper and
   then work our way up to newer sociocultural movements such as
   the history of Atheism, roots of Scientific Method, its
   relationship to Church, etc.