I've tried a bunch; I usually end up doing a copy/paste using a different PDF reader like Foxit or .. oh that old one that's shareware ugh - into Word and then going through some quick reformatting. I've got a buttload of windows PDF --> xxxx converters; they all work to varying degrees. Try [1]https://www.pdflabs.com/tools/pdftk-the-pdf-toolkit/ if you're comfortable with command line - it's free. I once converted a 1200 page thesaurus to text that way (don't ask why) - by using it to convert first to BMP and then I was able to sharpen them in bulk (using Irvanview or imagemagick - not sure now) - and then I used *something* to OCR them into text. (I don't remember what now) But I'm a textfile kind of guy; I usually bring things down to txt and *then* bring it back up into Word or whatever I need to use. References Visible links 1. https://www.pdflabs.com/tools/pdftk-the-pdf-toolkit/