# Working with LVM
by Seth Kenlon

LVM is a software-based RAID-like system that lets you create "pools" of storage, and then add hard drive space to those pools as needed. There are lots of reasons to use it, especially in a data center or any place where storage requirements change over time. Many Linux distributions use it by default now for desktop installations, though, because users find the flexibity convenient, and there are some built-in encryption features that are simplified by the LVM structure.

However, if you aren't used to seeing an LVM volume when booting off
of a Live CD for data rescue or migration purposes, LVM can be
confusing because the **mount** command cannot mount LVM volumes. For
that, you need LVM tools installed.  Chances are great that your
distribution has LVM utils available to it, if not already installed.

This article discusses how to create LVM volumes, and then how to deal with them.

## Manual LVM

This article assumes you have a working knowledge of how to interact with hard drives on Linux. If you need more information on the basics before continuing, read my [introduction](http://opensource.com/PATH/TO/MY/ARTICLE/ABOUT/HARD/DRIVES/MADE/EASY/ON/LINUX) to hard drives on Linux.

Usually, you don't have to set up LVM at all. When you install Linux, it's often a default that a virtual "pool" of storage is created, and that the hard drive or drives in your machine are added to that pool. However, it's a useful exercise to create an LVM storage pool manually so you can see what happens behind the scenes.

For practise, you can use two spare thumb drives of any size, or two hard drives, or a virtual machine with two imaginary drives defined.

First, assuming you need to format the imaginary drive /dev/sdx:

    # echo "warning, this ERASES everything on this drive."
    warning, this ERASES everything on this drive.
    # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdx count=8196
    # parted /dev/sdx print | grep Disk
    Disk /dev/sdx: 100GB
    # parted /dev/sdx mklabel gpt
    # parted /dev/sdx mkpart primary 1s 100%

Now you have a fresh drive, ready to use for this demo.

Your first actual LVM command creates a storage pool. A pool can consist of one or more drives, and right now it will only consists of one.

In this example, the storage pool is named `billiards`, but you can call it anything.

    # vgcreate billiards /dev/sdx1

Now you have a big, nebulous pool of storage space. Time to hand it out. To create two *logical volumes* (you can think of them as virtual drives), one called `vol0` and the other called `vol1':

    # lvcreate billiards 49G --name vol0
    # lvcreate billiards 49G --name vol1

Now you have two volumes carved out of one storage pool, but neither of them have file systems on them yet. To create a file system on each volume, you must bring the `billiards` volume group online:

    # vgchange --activate y billiards

Now make the file systems. The **-L** option provides a label for the drive, which is displayed when the drive is mounted on your desktop. The path to the volume is a little different than device paths you're used to, because these are virtual devices in an LVM storage pool. 

    # mkfs.ext4 -L finance /dev/billiards/vol0
    # mkfs.ext4 -L production /dev/billiards/vol1

You can mount these new volumes on your desktop, or from a terminal:

    # mkdir -p /mnt/vol0 /mnt/vol1
    # mount /dev/billiards/vol0 /mnt/vol0
    # mount /dev/billiards/vol1 /mnt/vol1

## Adding space

So far, LVM has provided nothing more than partitioning a drive normally provides: two distinct sections of drive space on a single physical drive (in this example, 49 GB and 49 GB on a 100 GB drive). Imagine now that the finance department needs more space. Traditionally, you'd have to restructure. Maybe you'd move the finance department data to a new dedicated physical drive, or maybe you'd add a drive and then use an ugly symlink hack to provide users easy access to their additional storage space. With LVM, however, all you have to do is expand the storage pool.

You can add space to your pool by formatting another drive and using it to create more additional space.

First, create a partition on the new drive you're adding to the pool:

    # part /dev/sdy mkpart primary 1s 100%

Then use the **vgextend** command to mark the new drive as part of the pool:

    # vgextend billiards /dev/sdy1

And finally, dedicate some portion of the newly available storage pool to the appropriate logical volume:

    # lvextend -L +49G /dev/billiards/vol0

Of course, the expansion doesn't need to be so linear. Imagine that the production department suddenly needs 100 TB of additional space. With LVM, you can add as many physical drives as needed, adding each one, using **vgextend**, to create a 100 TB storage pool. Finally, use **lvextend** to "stretch" the production department's storage space across 100 TB of available space.

## Utils

Once you start using LVM in earnest, the landscape of storage can get overwhelming. There are two commands to gather information about the structure of your storage infrastructure. First, there is **vgdisplay**, used to display information about your volume groups (you can think of these as the big, high-level virtual drives of LVM):

    # vgdisplay
      --- Volume group ---
      VG Name               billiards
      System ID             
      Format                lvm2
      Metadata Areas        1
      Metadata Sequence No  4
      VG Access             read/write
      VG Status             resizable
      MAX LV                0
      Cur LV                3
      Open LV               3
      Max PV                0
      Cur PV                1
      Act PV                1
      VG Size               <237.47 GiB
      PE Size               4.00 MiB
      Total PE              60792
      Alloc PE / Size       60792 / <237.47 GiB
      Free  PE / Size       0 / 0   
      VG UUID               j5RlhN-Co4Q-7d99-eM3K-G77R-eDJO-nMR9Yg

The second is **lvdisplay**, which is used to display information about your logical volumes (you can think of these as user-facing drives):

    # lvdisplay
      --- Logical volume ---
      LV Path                /dev/billiards/finance
      LV Name                finance
      VG Name                billiards
      LV UUID                qPgRhr-s0rS-YJHK-0Cl3-5MME-87OJ-vjjYRT
      LV Write Access        read/write
      LV Creation host, time localhost, 2018-12-16 07:31:01 +1300
      LV Status              available
      # open                 1
      LV Size                149.68 GiB
      Current LE             46511
      Segments               1
      Allocation             inherit
      Read ahead sectors     auto
      - currently set to     256
      Block device           253:3


## LVM and rescue environments

The "problem" with LVM is that it wraps partitions in a way that is unfamiliar to many administrative users who are used to traditional drive partitioning. Under normal circumstances, LVM drives are activaded and mounted fairly invisibly during the boot process or desktop LVM integration. It's not something you typically have to think about. It only becomes problematic when you find yourself in recovery mode after something has gone wrong with your system.

If you're in a position where you need to mount a volume that's "hidden" within the structure of LVM, you first must make sure that the LVM tool chain is installed. If you have access to your **/usr/sbin** directory, then you have probably have access to all of your usual LVM commands, but if you're booted into a minimal shell or into a rescue environment, you may not have those tools. A good rescue environment has LVM installed, so if you're in a minimal shell then find a rescue system that does. If you're using a rescue disc and it doesn't have LVM installed, either install it manually or find a rescue disc that already has it.

For sake of repetition and clarity, here's how to mount an LVM volume:

    # vgchange --activate y
    2 logical volume(s) in volume group "billiards" now active
    # mkdir /mnt/finance
    # mount /dev/billiards/finance /mnt/finance

## LVM and LUKS

Many Linux distributions use LVM by default when installing the OS. This permits storage extension later, but it also integrates nicely with disk encryption, provided by the LUKS encryption toolchain.

Encryption is pretty important, and there are two ways to encrypt things:
you can encrypt on a per-file basis with a tool like GnuPG, or you can
encrypt an entire partition. On Linux, encrypting a partition is easy
with LUKS, which, being completely integrated into Linux by way of
kernel modules, permits drives to be mounted for seamless reading and

Encrypting your entire main drive usually happens as an option during install. You select to encrypt your entire drive, or just your home partition, when prompted, and from that point on you're using LUKS. It's mostly invisible to you, aside from a password prompt during boot.

If your distribution doesn't offer this option during install, or if
you just want to encrypt a drive or partition manually, you can do

You can follow along with this example with a spare drive; I used a small 4 GB thumb drive.

First, plug the drive into your computer. Make sure it's safe to erase the drive, and [use lsblk](http://opensource.com/PATH/TO/MY/ARTICLE/ABOUT/HARD/DRIVES/MADE/EASY/ON/LINUX) to locate the drive on your system.

If the drive isn't already partitioned, partition it now. If you don't know how to partition a drive, see my [article on dealing with drives](http://opensource.com/PATH/TO/MY/ARTICLE/ABOUT/HARD/DRIVES/MADE/EASY/ON/LINUX).

Now you can set up the encryption. First, format the partition with the **cryptsetup** command:

    # cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdx1

Note that you're encrypting the *partition*, not the physical drive itself. You'll see a warning that LUKS is going to erase your drive; you must accept if you want to continue. You'll be prompted to create a passphrase, so do that. Don't forget that passphrase. Without it, you will never be able to get into that drive again!

You've encrypted the thumb drive's partition, but there's no file system on the drive yet. Of course, you can't write a file system to the drive while you're locked out of it, so you must open the drive with LUKS first. You can provide a human-friendly name for your drive; this example uses `mySafeDrive`:

    # cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdx1 mySafeDrive
Enter your passphrase to open the drive.

Look in ``/dev/mapper`` and you'll see that you've mounted the
volume along with any other LVM volumes you might have, meaning that you now have access to that drive. The custom name (mySafeDrive, in this example) is actually a symlink to some auto-generated designator in /dev/mapper. You can use either path when operating on this drive.

    # ls -l /dev/mapper/mySafeDrive
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 7 Oct 24 03:58 /dev/mapper/mySafeDrive -> ../dm-4

Create your file system:

    # mkfs.ext4 -o Linux -L mySafeExt4Drive /dev/mapper/mySafeDrive

Depending on your system,  Now do an ``ls -lh`` on ``/dev/mapper`` and you'll see that mythumbdrive is actually a symlink to some other dev;
 probably ``/dev/dm0``. That's the filesystem you can actually mount:

    # mount /dev/mapper/mySafeExt4Drive /mnt/hd

Now the filesystem on the encrypted drive is mounted. You can read and write files as you'd expect from any drive.

## Encrypted drives and the desktop

LUKS is built into the kernel, so your Linux system is fully aware of how to handle it. Detach the drive and then plug it back in and mount it from your desktop. In KDE's Dolphin file manager, you are prompted for a password before the drive is decrypted and mounted.

![LUKS password prompt](luksprompt.jpeg)

## LVM and LUKS

Using LVM and LUKS is easy, and it provides flexibility for you as a user and admin. Being tightly integrated into Linux itself, it's well-supported and a great way to add a layer of security to your data. Try it today!