= Guessing game in C++

Learning a programming language often ends up being an exercise either learning some basic concepts of computer code, or, if you already know how to code in some other language, re-learning how these concepts are expressed in a new language.
A convenient way to learn these principles is to create a simple guessing game.
This forces you to learn the way a language receives input and sends output, how it compares data, how to control the flow of a program, and how to leverage conditionals to affect outcome.
And of course, it also ensures that you know how a language structures its code (for instance, Lua or Bash can easily run as a script, while LINK-TO-JAVA-GUESS[Java] requires the creation of a class), 

In this article, I demonstrate first how to implement a guessing game for the terminal in C++.

== Installing dependencies

To follow along with this article, you need C++ and a compiler.

On Linux, you can get everything you need by installing the *Qt Creator* IDE from your distribution's software repository:
For instance, on Fedora, CentOS, or RHEL:

$ sudo dnf install qt-creator

On Debian, Ubuntu, Chromebook, or similar:

$ sudo apt install qtcreator

This article doesn't utilize the *Qt Creator* IDE, but it's an easy way to get everything you need installed, and for complex C++ projects (including those with a GUI), it's an essential tool to have.

On MacOS or Windows, follow installation instructions on http://qt.io[qt.io].

== Includes and namespace

The core language of C++ is minimal.
Even a simple application requires the use of additional libraries.
For this application, I use *streamio* to gain access to the *cout* and *cin* keywords.

I also establish that the program uses the *std* namespace.
This isn't strictly necessary, but without setting the namespace to *std*, all keywords from the *iostream* library required a namespace prefix.
For instance, instead of writing *cout*, I would have to write *std::cout*. 

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

Statements in C++ are terminated witha semi-colon.

== Class

Ever C++ application requires at least one function.
The primary function of a C++ application must be called *main*, and it must return an integer (*int*), which corresponds to the LINK-TO-WHAT-IS-POSIX-ARTICLE[POSIX] expectation that a process returns 0 upon success and something else upon failure.
You create a new function by providing its return type, and then its name:

int main() {
 // code goes here

== Program logic 

For the game code itself, you must first establish a random number to be the target of the player's guesses.
You do this in C++ by establishing a _seed_ for pseudo-random number generation. 
A simple seed is the current time.
Once the seed has been started, you retrieve a number between 1 and 100 by calling the *rand* function with an upper contraint of 100.
This actually generates a random number from 0 to 99, so you add 1 to whatever number has been chosen, and assign the result to a variable called `number`.
You must also declare a variable to hold the player's guess.
For clarity, I call this variable `guess`.

In this sample code, I also include a debug statement that tells you exactly what the random number is.
This isn't particularly good for a guessing game, but it makes testing a lot faster.
You can remove the line, or just comment it out by prefacing it with `//`, later.

Statements in C++ are terminated witha semi-colon.

 srand (time(NULL));
 int number = rand() % 100+1;
 int guess = 0;

 cout << number << endl; //debug

== Do while and if statements

A _do-while_ statement in C++ starts with the keyword `do`, and encloses everything that you want C++ to do in braces.
You close the statemnt with the `while` keyword, followed by the condition that must be met in parentheses.

do {
 // code here
} while ( number != guess );

The actual game code occurs within an *if* statement with an *else if* and *else* statements to provide the player with hints.

First, I prompt the player for a guess with a *cout* statement.
The *cout* function prints output onto *stdout*.
Because I don't append my *cout* statement with the *endl* (endline) function, no linebreak occurs.
Immediately following this *cout* statement, I tell C++ to wait for input by using the *cin* function.
As you might surmise, *cin* waits for input from *stdin*.

Next, the program enters the *if* control statement. 
If the player's guess is greater than the pseudo-random number contained in the *number* variable, then the program prints out a hint, followed by a newline character.
This breaks the *if* statement, but C++ is still trapped within the do-while loop, because its condition (the `number` variable being equal to `guess`) has not yet been met.

If the player's guess is less than the pseudo-random number contained in the *number* variable, then the program prints out a hint, followed by a newline character.
This again breaks the *if* statement, but the program remains trapped within the do-while loop.

When `guess` is found to be equal to `number` the key condition is finally met, the *else* statement is triggered, and then the do-while loop is ended.
This ends the application.

do {
  cout << "Guess a number between 1 and 100: ";
  cin >> guess;

  if ( guess > number) { cout << "Too high.\n" << endl; }
  else if ( guess < number ) { cout << "Too low.\n" << endl; }
  else { 
    cout << "That's right!\n" << endl;
  } // fi
 } while ( number != guess );
return 0;
} // main

== Building the code and playing the game

You can build your appication with GCC:

$ g++ -o guess.bin guess.cpp

Run the binary to try it out:

$ ./guess.bin
Guess a number between 1 and 100: 76
Too high.

Guess a number between 1 and 100: 1
Too low.

Guess a number between 1 and 100: 74
That's right!


== C++

The C++ language is complex.
Writing C++ applications for terminals can teach you a lot about data types, memory management, and code linking.
Try writing a useful utility for yourself in C++ and see what you can discover!