----------- Billy Bob Bates ===== Billy was growing tired of life with his mother, sister, cousin, and wife. She had started growing cold - What? Why the singular? Same person. Anyway, she had grown cold. Putting out less, brushing her once lovely tooth, losing 120 pounds of baby weight despite vows to keep her plump bridal figure, and so-on. The welfare drying up after the kids left town with the circus did nothing to help. Seeing no relief on the horizon, Billy planned. After packing Martha her lunchtime cigarettes and Bud Light for the Ladies' Bingo & Boilermaker Hour, he hitched the Airstream to the lawnmower and began his bid for a new life. As money was tight, he engaged the mower deck across town, trimming some lawns along the way. There was no need to unhook the trailer as all were on his route. The final day of lawn money would buy enough gas and vodka to make the county line. Life started looking up as he merged onto the paved highway from the town's dirt road. With a bit of luck, he could be at Aunty Mabel's meth shack by dusk for an amphetamine pick-me-up, feminine company for the night, gray water hook-up, and more cash come morning by taking the day's deliveries while Mabel slept in. Billy Bob Bates was a man with a plan. A man with nowhere to go but up. His face broke into a toothy grin as he swigged some vodka, flicked off his Ryobi hat, and felt the breeze of an open road tousle his mullet. - FIN -