_    _                _
 | | _(_)_ __ ___   ___| | __
 | |/ / | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ |/ /
 |   <| | | | | | |  __/   <
 |_|\_\_|_| |_| |_|\___|_|\_\
 [Homepage - gopher://sdf.org/1/users/kimek]
       _____     _        ___
      |  ___|   / \      / _ \
      | |_     / _ \    | | | |
      |  _|_  / ___ \  _| |_| | _
      |_| (_)/_/   \_\(_)\__\_\(_)

   Q) Why is there a plain text URL at the top of most pages?
   A) Most gopher clients lack a constantly-visible address bar,
      making navigation a bit tricky.  This leaves something to
      copy/paste into an address bar or bookmark file.

   Q) Did you draw the ASCII art?
   A) Probably not.  Most is copied, leaving the artist initials if
      available.  Some have been modified and a few may be original.

   Q) Why are all the links on this site only routed to gopher holes? 
      Where are the Gemini and HTTP links?
   A) This site is on Gopher for the protocol's own merits.  If one
      wants to visit the transsexual communists on Gemini or surf the
      normal web, they are free to do so but kimek does not need to
      route visitors off Gopher.  This place is quiet enough as it is.

   Q) Where are the technical posts and commentary about the Gopher
   A) Fuck off, neckbeard.  No one cares.

   Q) But why Gopher?  You built this site for a reason.
   A) It's a nice, straightforward part of the internet acessible by
      pretty much any internet-connected computer.  It's also easy to
      administer and fun to poke around.

   Q) Are you a Nazi?
   A) No.  Socialists against the wall right after the commies.

   Q) Did you know that there are two spaces after every end-of-
      sentence punctuation mark?
   A) Yes.  Deal with it.

   Q) a/s/l?
   A) Kill your local pedophile.
