E-Mail Policy * Only plain text e-mails will be accepted. +++ Any but plain text will be ignored and likely deleted. * kimek reserves the right to make any or even all e-mails public. ??? Why +++ Sending messages is inherently NOT private. (ex. screenshots, the N.S.A.) !!! E-mail is hosted by the SDF so assume some tranny janny has access. +++ E-mail archives have always been both useful and fun. +++ Non-hatemail can request sections be redacted. +++ Non-hatemail senders WILL be kept anonymous barring explicit authorization to publish a real name, screen name, or nom de guerre. +++ Hatemail senders will be referred to by a pseudonym. Maybe. * Don't expect a reply any time soon. * Attachments may or may not be opened. Probably not. * The webmaster's real name, location, and other personal information will NOT be divulged for any reason. Come back with a warrant. * These terms are non-binding and subject to change at any time without notice. ___ * Have fun, faggots. / \ |o o| * Lost? Navigate to the kimek contact page: | > | gopher://sdf.org/1/users/kimek/contact |__/| /\ | |_ || | | \|| | J )_) \____/ | ='