Visa - Lost Your Card Information

Cardholders travelling in any of the following countries can report their Visa card lost/stolen by using the
appropriate toll free number as listed below:

Country	Telephone Number
Anguilla	(800) 847-2911
Antigua	(800) 847-2911
Argentina	0800-666-0171
Aruba	800-1518
Australia	(800) 125-440
Austria	AT&T Direct (see below)
Bahamas	(800) 847-2911
Bahrain	800-006
Barbados	(800) 847-2911
Belgium	0800-1-8397
Bermuda	(800) 847-2911
Bolivia	800-10-0188
Bonaire*	001-800-847-2911
Brazil	0800-891-3680
British Virgin Islands	(800) 847-2911
Canada	(800) 847-2911
Cayman Islands	(800) 847-2911
Chile	1230-020-2136
China	10-800-110-2911
Colombia	01-800-912-5713
Costa Rica	0-800-011-0030
Curacao*	001-800-847-2911
Denmark	80-010277
Dominica	(800) 847-2911
Dominican Republic	(800) 847-2911
Finland	0800-11-0057
France	0800-90-1179
Germany	0800-811-8440
Greece	00-800-11-638-0304
Grenada	(800) 847-2911
Guam	(800) 847-2911
Guatemala	(800) 999-0115
Hong Kong	800-96-7025
Hungary	06-800-11272
India	Not Available
Indonesia	001-803-1-933-6294
Ireland, Republic of	1-800-55-8002
Israel	(800) 941-1605
Italy	800-819-014
Jamaica	0-800-847-2911
Japan	00531-11-1555
Korea, Republic of	00798-11-908-8212
Liechtenstein	0800-89-4732
Luxembourg	0800-2012
Malaysia	1800-80-0159
Mexico	001-800-847-2911
Monaco	Not Available
Montserrat	(800) 847-2911
Netherlands	0800-022-3110
Nevis	(800) 847-2911
New Zealand	0800-44-3019
Northern China	n/a
Norway	800-12052
Okinawa	00531-11-1555
Panama	001-800-111-0016
Philippines	1-800-1-111-9015
Portugal	800-8-11-824
Puerto Rico	(800) 847-2911
Saba*	(800) 847-2911
Saint Eustatius*	(800) 847-2911
Saint Kitts/Nevis	(800) 847-2911
Saint Maarten*	(800) 847-2911
San Marino	800-819-014
Singapore	800-110-0344
South Africa	0800-990-475
Spain	900-99-1124
Sweden	020-795-675
Switzerland	0800-89-4732
Taiwan	00801-10-3008
Thailand	001-800-11-535-0660
Trinidad/Tobago	(800) 847-2911
Turkey	00-800-13-535-0900
Turks and Caicos	0-1-800-847-2911
United Kingdom	0800-89-1725
United States	(800) 847-2911
Uruguay	00-0411-940-7915
US Virgin Islands	(800) 847-2911
Venezuela	0800-1-002167

From Austria:  Dial 0800-200-288, when prompted enter 800-892-8134
*Netherland Antilles
*Await second dial tone

If the country you are in is not listed, or if you experience difficulties 
using any of the toll-free numbers, call collect 410-581-9994.