const char * UsageLines [] = { "Usage: drawpolygons (width) (height)", "Reads corners of polygons in across, down coordinates, from standard input.", "Writes a ppm image of specified width and height to standard output.", "Each nonblank input line must begin with colors r g b followed", "by across,down for each corner (at least 3 corners to have any effect).", "The order is front-to-back, meaning a polygon will cover", "any polygon given in a later line.", "drawpolygon ignores anything after # to end-of-line.", "January 4, 2017. Newest is at gopher -p users/julianbr", }; const int NumUsageLines = sizeof (UsageLines)/sizeof (UsageLines [0] ); struct Polygon { int r, g, b; struct Corner { long int across, down; struct Corner * next; } * Corners; struct Polygon * next; }; #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #define BackgroundR 200 #define BackgroundG 200 #define BackgroundB 200 int ReadPolygon (struct Polygon * * PolygonPtr, int * EndOfInputPtr) { struct Polygon * Polygon; struct Corner * * CornerPtr, * Corners, * Corner; int ok, c, IsNegative; int r, g, b, across, down, Found, FoundB, FoundDown; ok = 1; c = getchar (); while (c == ' ') c = getchar (); Found = 0; Polygon = NULL; if (c != EOF && c != '\n' && c != '#') { Found = 1; PolygonPtr [0] = malloc (sizeof (PolygonPtr [0] [0] ) ); Polygon = PolygonPtr [0]; if (ok && Polygon == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "***drawpolygons: Not enough memory"); ok = 0; } } IsNegative = 0; if (c == '+') c = getchar (); else if (c == '-') { IsNegative = 1; c = getchar (); } r = 0; while (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { r = 10*r + (c - '0'); c = getchar (); } if (IsNegative) r = - r; while (c == ' ') c = getchar (); IsNegative = 0; if (c == '+') c = getchar (); else if (c == '-') { IsNegative = 1; c = getchar (); } g = 0; while (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { g = 10*g + (c - '0'); c = getchar (); } if (IsNegative) g = - g; while (c == ' ') c = getchar (); IsNegative = 0; if (c == '+') c = getchar (); else if (c == '-') { IsNegative = 1; c = getchar (); } FoundB = 0; b = 0; while (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { FoundB = 1; b = 10*b + (c - '0'); c = getchar (); } if (IsNegative) b = - b; if (ok && Found && !FoundB) { fprintf (stderr, "***xyzproject: r g b not found"); ok = 0; } Corners = NULL; CornerPtr = & Corners; while (c == ' ') c = getchar (); while (c == '+' || c == '-' || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') ) { CornerPtr [0] = malloc (sizeof (CornerPtr [0] [0] ) ); Corner = CornerPtr [0]; if (ok && CornerPtr [0] == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "***drawpolygons: Not"); fprintf (stderr, " enough memory"); ok = 0; } IsNegative = 0; if (c == '+') c = getchar (); else if (c == '-') { IsNegative = 1; c = getchar (); } across = 0; while (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { across = 10*across + (c - '0'); c = getchar (); } if (IsNegative) across = - across; if (c == ',') c = getchar (); IsNegative = 0; if (c == '+') c = getchar (); else if (c == '-') { IsNegative = 1; c = getchar (); } FoundDown = 0; down = 0; while (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { FoundDown = 1; down = 10*down + (c - '0'); c = getchar (); } if (IsNegative) down = - down; if (c == ',') c = getchar (); if (ok && !FoundDown) { fprintf (stderr, "***drawpolygons: Didn't find across,down"); ok = 0; } while (c == ' ') c = getchar (); if (Corner != NULL) { Corner->across = across; Corner->down = down; Corner->next = NULL; CornerPtr = & Corner->next; } } if (ok && c != EOF && c != '\n' && c != '#') { fprintf (stderr, "***drawpolygons: Found improper"); fprintf (stderr, " '%c'", c); ok = 0; } while (c != EOF && c != '\n') c = getchar (); if (Polygon != NULL) { Polygon->r = r; Polygon->g = g; Polygon->b = b; Polygon->Corners = Corners; Polygon->next = NULL; } PolygonPtr [0] = Polygon; if (c != '\n') EndOfInputPtr [0] = 1; return ok; } int ReadPolygons (struct Polygon * * PolygonsPtr) { struct Polygon * * PolygonPtr, * Polygon; int EndOfInput, LineNum, ok; PolygonPtr = PolygonsPtr; ok = 1; LineNum = 0; EndOfInput = 0 ; while (!EndOfInput) { LineNum++; if (!ReadPolygon (& Polygon, & EndOfInput) ) { fprintf (stderr, " in line %d.\n", LineNum); ok = 0; } if (Polygon != NULL) { PolygonPtr [0] = Polygon; PolygonPtr = & Polygon->next; } } return ok; } void DrawPolygons (struct Polygon * Polygons, int width, int height) { struct Polygon * Polygon; struct Corner * Corner; long int a1, d1, a2, d2, a, d; int i, j, NumCrossings; printf ("P6\n"); printf ("%d %d\n", width, height); printf ("255\n"); for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { d = i - height/2; for (j = 0; j < width; j++) { a = j - width/2; NumCrossings = 0; Polygon = Polygons; while (Polygon != NULL && NumCrossings == 0) { Corner = Polygon->Corners; while (Corner != NULL) { a1 = Corner->across; d1 = Corner->down; if (Corner->next == NULL) { a2 = Polygon->Corners->across; d2 = Polygon->Corners->down; } else { a2 = Corner->next->across; d2 = Corner->next->down; } if (d1 <= d && d < d2 ) { if ((a - a1)*(d2 - d1) >= (a2 - a1)*(d - d1) ) NumCrossings++; } else if (d1 > d && d >= d2) { if ((a - a2)*(d1 - d2) >= (a1 - a2)*(d - d2) ) NumCrossings--; } Corner = Corner->next; } if (NumCrossings != 0) { putchar (Polygon->r); putchar (Polygon->g); putchar (Polygon->b); } Polygon = Polygon->next; } if (NumCrossings == 0) { putchar (BackgroundR); putchar (BackgroundG); putchar (BackgroundB); } } } } void WritePolygons (struct Polygon * Polygons) { struct Polygon * Polygon; struct Corner * Corner; Polygon = Polygons; while (Polygon != NULL) { printf ("%d %d %d", Polygon->r, Polygon->g, Polygon->b); Corner = Polygon->Corners; while (Corner != NULL) { printf (" %ld,%ld", Corner->across, Corner->down); Corner = Corner->next; } printf ("\n"); Polygon = Polygon->next; } } void ClosePolygons (struct Polygon * Polygons) { struct Polygon * Polygon, * NextPolygon; struct Corner * Corner, * NextCorner; Polygon = Polygons; while (Polygon != NULL) { NextPolygon = Polygon->next; Corner = Polygon->Corners; while (Corner != NULL) { NextCorner = Corner->next; free (Corner); Corner = NextCorner; } free (Polygon); Polygon = NextPolygon; } } int main (int argc, char * argv [] ) { struct Polygon * Polygons; int width, height, ok, i; char c; if (argc < 2) { for (i = 0; i < NumUsageLines; i++) printf ("%s\n", UsageLines [i] ); } else if (argc == 3) { ok = 1; if (sscanf (argv [1], "%d%c", & width, & c) != 1) { fprintf (stderr, "***drawpolygons: expecting"); fprintf (stderr, " width, found"); fprintf (stderr, " \"%s\".\n", argv [3] ); ok = 0; } if (sscanf (argv [2], "%d%c", & height, & c) != 1) { fprintf (stderr, "***drawpolygons: expecting"); fprintf (stderr, " height, found"); fprintf (stderr, " \"%s\".\n", argv [3] ); ok = 0; } if (ok) { Polygons = NULL; if (ReadPolygons (& Polygons) ) DrawPolygons (Polygons, width, height); else WritePolygons (Polygons); ClosePolygons (Polygons); } } else { fprintf (stderr, "Usage: drawpolygons"); fprintf (stderr, " (width) (height)\n"); } return 0; }