_         _      _____                                      _ _____
      /\         | |       | |    |  ___|   _                                / |  _  |
     /  \    ___ | |__  ___| |____| |__  __| |__  ___  ____ _ _____ ____    / /| | |_| ___  _ __ ___  _ ____ ____
    / /\ \  / _ \|  _ \|  _  |  __|\__ \|__   __|/ _ \|  __|_|  __ |  __|  / / | |    / _ \| '_ ` _ \|_|  __|  __|
   / /__\ \| | | | | | | | | |_|__    | |  | |  | | | | |   _|  ___|_|__| / /  | |  _| | | | | | | | |_| |  |_|__
  /  _____ \ |_| | | | | |_| |__| |___| |  | |_ | |_| | |  | | |___ __| |/ /   | |_| | |_| | | | | | | | |__ __| |
 /_/      \_\___/|_| |_|_____|____|_____|  |___| \___/|_|  |_|_____|____|_/    |_____|\___/|_| |_| |_|_|____|____|

 ID Name_ Full_name_______________ alt._Name_ age gender Species_____ job___________________________________________ importance_____ body type|personality___|owner_____ notes____________
|00|Aohd |Aohd                    |Aohd      |old|     M|Pheonix     |Gardian of earth and other random jobs        |Main           |Average  |Nice          |Joshp1    |                 |
|01|Jason|Jason                   |Jason     | 22|     M|Goat        |None                                          |Main           |Average  |Nice          |JoshP1    |                 |
|02|     |The penguins            |          | NA|    NA|Penguins    |various                                       |Side           |       NA|Nice          |SpecterHSC|                 |
|03|Xxyxz|Xxyxz                   |zzyzx     | NA|     M|Penguin     |Various                                       |Side           |       NA|Nice          |SpecterHSC|                 |
|04|Mothm|Mothman                 |Mothy     | NA|     M|Mothman     |Unknown destruction                           |Side           |       NA|Nice but quite|Public    |                 |
|05|Bigft|Bigfoot                 |Sasquatch | NA|     M|Bigfoot     |Unknown                                       |Side           |       NA|NA            |Public    |                 |
|06|Bob  |Bob the blob            |Puddle    | NA|    NA|Evil ooze   |evil                                          |rarely used    |       NA|NA            |JoshP1    |                 |
|07|Vive |Vive                    |Vive      | NA|     F|pheonix     |Gardian of Sector alpha former assassin       |Main           |       NA|formuly evil  |JoshP1    |                 |
|__|_____|________________________|__________|___|______|____________|______________________________________________|_______________|_________|______________|________ _|_________________|