Wang IN/ix ========== This was my first UNIX system, I was given a "Workstation" with IN/ix in the mid to late 80s. This was a 16bit full UNIX based upon Interactive UNIX. I thought it was great and learned a lot by using it. It was a pretty neat system, max memory was 1M and you could do a lot with the system. For example, what follows is one Item I prototyped on IN/ix. Developing and testing C on a Wang VS was rather tough to do. I decided to prototype create a multi-level BOM explosion prototype in C. I did this to learn C and UNIX, at that time I started to realize this prototype could benefit the Standard Cost Process. Afterwards I used it to replace the current explosion on the Wang VS, this greatly reduced execution speed. The old version could take 3+ days to do a full explosion of all products for re-costing, the c version took 3 hours. It was so fast me and others could not believe it. So we did a many parallel tests and compared the results to be sure it was working. The main reason for the big performance increase was c recursion, you could easily walk the BOM tree without a big memory foot print. In COBOL, without recursion, lots of memory and logic was spent trying to find the next component. Some BOMs were over 5 levels deep. Also one more thing, after a day or two, it was common for the old COBOL Program to crash on memory. $Id: inix.txt,v 1.3 2024/10/13 15:28:36 jmccue Exp $