Telnet, DISPLAY and other 1990s memories

I have played  with my Apple IIe Enhanced today.  The machine is (among
others) equipped  with  the Uthernet board so it can  be connected to a
computer network. I did some stuff here but then I have realised I need
to do some work on my SGI O2 (because no one can run OpenGL programs on
the Apple II).  So I have turned on  my SGI O2 and have  decided to use
the Apple IIe as a remote console for some moments.

So  I  started  the  Telnet65  on   the  Apple  and  connected  to  the
O2.   Then   I   set   the   DISPLAY   environment   variable   (export to the address of my O2 screen and started
to run GUI  apps there. The Apple  then served mostly as  a console for
their text outputs. This was quick and easy!

Of course I can  run the "screen" so I have sort  of multitasking on my
Apple terminal, too!