Running O2 ========== As my Silicon Graphics IRIS Indigo [1] have had power supply issues I have had to return to my SGI O2 [2]. There is still the RAM issue to be solved (at the moment I had only some 256 MB of RAM available; I had 1024 MB before the failure) so some things are somewhat constrained for now. Especially the Links web browser uses too much RAM if WWW pages have images. And the Firefox uses too much RAM all the time. But there are many things to do which do not require much RAM. I have been transferring some files from (and to) my PSION [3] MC600. The MC600 is a MS-DOS machine (it has the MS-DOS 3.3 hard-wired in its flash memory) so I can use the Kermit here [4]. The MSKermit on the MC and the C-Kermit on the O2. Both are pretty old binaries but both still work as expected. Actually I wrote some texts on my "new" MC400 (with its PSION-only operating system and applications) and transferred them to the MC600 on a PSION SSD disk (there is no Kermit for that device). I have checked what I have on the MC600 and have sent some binaries to it (I plan to play with the Atari Portfolio so I need to have the "ft.exe" transfer utility here). I also add some files I previously deleted by accident (the LZEXE [5] executable files compressor, for example). I also have updated my data files on the O2 and then on the MC600 (my bicycle log, some BASIC and OPL programs and so on). I also have been using an on-line radio player on the O2. The XMMS can still be used this way (though the number of accessible streams is shrinking). I usually listen the ORF Radio Wien or the AnonRadio [6]. The DeadBeeF cannot be compiled on the IRIX (and there is no good reason to run it here anyway - the IRIX does not like modern nor semi-modern Gtk+ stuff). It seems that so far I have not ran any GUI program except the Links, the Firefox and the XMMS... I should run some more complex GUI applications because it is the Silicon Graphics after all... References: [1] gopher:// [2] gopher:// [3] gopher:// [4] gopher:// [5] gopher:// [6]