
I'm preparing a presentation just  now. It should a LaTeX presentation.
It implies that  the Beamer [1] LaTeX macros should  be used. The usual
way  to is  to write  the presentation  with direst  use of  the Beamer

They are not complicated but I am lazy. I have decided to write outline
and all the texts  in the Vim Outliner [2] and then  to convert them to
the Beamer format with  use of my otl2a [3] tool. It  means that I will
have to do all advanced formatting later (use of columns and so) but it
makes the process  of preparation a bit faster because  I don't need to
translate the presentation  to the PDF so  often. In the Vim  I can see
and scroll through the complete presentation and can examine and modify
structure  of the  presentation easily.  It's better  than work  with a
LaTeX document  where the  text are hidden  between tons  of formatting

