MP3 on 33MHz MIPS CPU?

Yes, there is no problem if one can find the proper software. I mean the SGI
IRIS Indigo with the R3000 CPU (a 32bit on at 33 MHz) with IRIX 5.x.

The old shareware XAudio (mxaudio, raudio) cannot run here because it's too
modern (it uses the ELF binary format and the poor old R3000 Indigo only
understands the old COFF one).

But there is available the mpg123 - it is a very old version [1] and it does
not understand many modern MP3s (these with many information included in the
file; the mpg123 correctly calls them "junk"). But many files work and they
work well.

The mpg123 eats between 71%-93% of CPU power so one is not able to do anything
complex during playback. But the sound is perfect.

