
The MuPDF is a library and a set of example PDF viewers. It's not full-featured
and it cannot replace more complex products for all tasks (there is probably no
support for forms nor annotations). But for viewing of PDF files it is
excellent because:

- it is FAST. It's much faster than the XPdf, actually,
- the viewer are controlled from the keyboard,
- it can run almost everywhere.

I have been using an older version of this nice thing on my Ben NanoNote as
it's only PDF viewer. And recently the user Jimmer recently made
an IRIX port of the basic (X11) viewer [2]. The viewer can handle PDF files
that are too new both for the last Adobe Reader version available here (4.x)
and it's official replacement (a polished XPdf). And it can handle the files
several times (!) faster than these old programs. It might be not so important
on a modern PC but it's very noticeable on a computer with only 250 MHz

The recent MuPDF can even handle EPUB files. It's not perfect (some images are
ignored) but it has no problem with Czech language characters and text
rendering is very nice. Of course, no one should use a SGI workstation as an
e-book reader but it's useful to have a possibility to see these files. So it's
a nice feature, too.

That's a nice improvement for my workstation!

