Desktop vs laptop vs .. ======================= I have asked at Mastodon what device people use as their main computer. The results (at the moment) are: * desktop (10 votes) * laptop/notebook (10 votes) * tablet (1 vote) * something else (0 votes) This was of Mastodon where "normal computer users" are rather uncommon (I think) but I am surprised anyway. I expected that there will be more people who use tablets as their main (if not only) computer. And no one selected the "something else" (I made this item for phone-only users or for other people who use game consoles or something like it as their computers). I think that if I will ask on a street the I will get much different answers (probably the tablet or even the phone will win) but I can be mistaken. Of course there are people who use several devices heavily and they may not be able to define which use is the "main" one. Typically, some people prefer certain types of tablets for making of music but they are doing other things on a tablet or on the desktop (or on both). I read on several places that some people use tablets as a laptop/desktop replacement and they do not own nor use desktops at all but I cannot imagine this. I personally still require a full, high-quality, real keyboard and a big (17" or bigger) screen to be "normally" productive (oh, a good table and a chair and a cup of tea also helps a lot). I don't feel comfortably with any laptop (no matter which size and brand it is). Of course I do have a mini-laptop (a 7" GPD Pocket) for work when traveling. I selected this small device because of it excellent portability (bot size and weight) and battery life. I used bigger devices in the past but on that small one I am able to do the same as on these older ones (or "as little as I was able to do on them"). So it seems to me that other people are better in utilising of their laptops.