Random Thoughts

I had to use  my GPD Pocked to do real stuff  today. It wasn't anything
advanced: just taking of notes, searching  of documents and so. But I'm
still  able to  use this  tiny  palmtop (7"  or so)  for several  hours
without problems.

Of course, desktop computer with the big monitor and a full keyboard is
much more comfortable. But it is also much less portable,

I have  re-installed the  GPD last  week: I  have replace  the original
Ubuntu  16.04 (which  was shipped  with the  device) with  a bit  newer
Ubuntu  MATE (18.04).  So I  changed the  desktop environment  from the
Ubuntu's  own (but  now abandoned)  Unity to  a more  conservative MATE
desktop.  That's has  actually  been a  smart  move as  the  MATE is  a
descendant of the GNOME 2.x (the only desktop environment on the planet
which I can use without big headache - a simple window manager like the
FVWM would be  much better but I'm  not brave enough to try  it on this
particular  device). I  actually use  some version  of the  MATE on  my
BlackBird workstation and also have an  original GNOME 2.1 on one of my
work computers (though  I have not started  it for very long  time as I
have a properly configured FVWM here).

It is interestng that Fedora's  and Ubuntu's configurations of the MATE
are  quite different  -  the  Fedora is  more  conservative  and it  is
actually  better controllable  from the  keyboard  (it is  close to  an
original GNOME  setuo). I like  this setup  more (though I  removed the
bottom panel -  I newer got why  they use TWO panels on  wide screens -
one is enough). I will probably  re-configure the Ubuntu's MATE (on the
GPD Pocket) to make it more similar to Fedora's setup.

I'm still planning to replace the MATE  by the FVWM. I'm not sure if it
will be possible  on the GPD (because of some  of it's special features
like unnaturally rotated screen, propietary drivers and so) but I plant
to do the change  on the desktop (on the Raptor  Blackbird). But I need
to properly configure  the FVWM and related software first  - I wish to
make it's  behaviour as close  as posssible to  behaviour of my  old O2
desktop. It  is not as  easy as copying  of configuration files  - many
IRIX utilities does now exist on  the Linux and the FVWM itself changed
too much in  last 20 years. Some commands now  behave differently which
annoys  me and  some even  don't exist  in the  current FVWM  (I didn't
updated  the FVWM  on my  O2 from  the moment  when I  installed it  in

Well, when I  was in Edinburgh (in  2003, I think) then one  guy at the
university told me that he was using his FVWM without changes 10 years.
I was unimaginable for me in that time. And my very own .fvwm2rc is now
about 16 years old (with minimal  changes like addition of new programs
to application  menu). And it was  created by conversion from  the even
older .fvwmrc. So that setup is at least 20 year old now...

On other news: as I already stated, I'm now reading more on my Palm III
(many  thanks to  Jynx for  creating his  Plucker documents  collection
[1]!). I'm actually reading Plucker version of the Palm Tipsheet volume
34. It's very interesting reading about software that I never used (and
which is sometimes still available), about Palm users and their habits,
about their visions  of PDA future and  so. There was a  Treo 90 review
with the Graffiti-vs-keyboard discussion, for example.

About phones:  I read the Logout's  phlog about phone use  [2]. I still
use my new  dumbphone (a Punkt MP01) with no  additional fucntions. But
it seems  to be a dead  end. It's uses  the 2G networks only.  I expect
that I will able  to use it for several years but  these 2G things will
probably  not last  much later.  So I  will have  to search  for a  new
solution in  next 3-5  years (I  also think  that the  phone's build-in
battery will  not live much  longer). I tried  to find an  another dumb
phone but  with the 4G  support (it is  expected that 3G  networks will
quit BEFORE 2G  ones here). IT seems  that there is no  thing called 4D
dumbphone. Everything has an Android  (albeit crippled: the Light Phone
II,  the  Punkt  MP02)  or the  FirefoxOS/KaiOS  (various  Nokias,  for
example). The Ubuntu  Touch/UbPorts OS is not  a help as it  is just an
Android with more Linux-like userland.

So in the future I probably will  have to select from these who. I hope
that another solution might emerge...


[1] gopher://1436.ninja/1/plk
[2] gopher://i-logout.cz/0/phlog/posts/2019-09-08_episode_vi_return_of_the_mobile_fun.txt

This post was written on the SGI O2.