GTA04 once more

I'm trying to test the GTA04 phone [1] a bit more: it seems that even with the
latest QtMoko [2] it cannot survive 2 days even in suspend. It's not good (it I
remember correctly then the battery life was the main issue of all OpenMoko
phones...). But there is still some development [3] so things may be a bit
better with more current software. I should investigate that. Too bat, that
oldelico only maintains the LXDE-based Debian distribution which is (of course)
not configured for phone/pda use.

There are also issues on the software side. Many interesting programs (which
are linked at [2]) are no longer available (or there are no longer available
some of their dependencies). For example, there are problems with the
dictionary program and the PDF viewer. But many things are OK.
