Right now I feel sick. Paul is over, so we got food, and I think I ate 
too much ( > x <"). Let's not do that again.

I'm getting my mom to set me up with an appointment with an eye doctor 
sometime in the next week or two. My eyes have been bothering me a 
little bit. I tested my vision myself a few years ago, and I actually 
had better than 20/20 vision (confirmed by an eye doctor). The test I 
used said I had 20/15 vision.

I guess it expired. Y'know, since it's past 2015.
* air horns *

Anyway, my vision doesn't really seem to be *worse*, but my eyes have 
been bothering me. Like, my left eye has been feeling like it has more 
or less pressure behind it than my right eye (maybe that's sinuses?) and 
like maybe it's drier or something. I also have an issue where if I 
close my right eye, I can see fine out of my left eye (it's slightly 
more blurry sometimes but whatever) but it's difficult to see for more 
than a few seconds because the blackness on the right side of my field 
of vision ends up overtaking everything and it makes it hard to focus. 
This doesn't happen with my right eye. If I close my left eye, 
everything is fine and clear.

"Well don't close your eye, Jesse." Well, yeah, duh. But I'm wondering 
if maybe that's what's causing me to start to feel unevenness issues. 
I'm pretty sure what I'm describing is just an astigmatism, but still. 
My eyes are bothering me, and I'm going to go see the doctor. My great 
grandmother had glaucoma - an eye disease that *can* be hereditary that 
will cause you to eventually go blind - and I want to make sure that I 
don't develop that and that I can retain my vision for as long as 

Like my friend puts it, I get to "see for free." I'd like it to stay 
that way. I turn 20 years old on June 29th, so I think I'm doing pretty 
good so far for a guy that's as old as Windows 98 (heh).

Also! Sorry for the lack of updates on Gopher. I feel like it gets 
pretty repetitive if I do this daily, but I also don't like this whole 
"maybe once a week, maybe nonce a week" deal that I've been doing. I've 
just had my focus really shifted since being back home. There's so much 
I can do that I don't know what to do lol. I'm trying to enjoy it all.

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a great day! See you down the gopher 