# [2020.03.30] Winter is Coming

Out of a sudden, it started snowing today. Well, probably that will
help people to keep staying at home since I heard that some of them
went on a picnic the day before yesterday. I didn't push myself hard
but kept quite productive 'at work'. We also received a shiny new
WiFi router we ordered yesterday. The internet is now flying, which
can be critical when you sit down at home most of the time and even
depend on its quality for your job.

I also received emails from two other gopher enthusiasts
(gopher://sdf.org/1/users/d1337 and gopher://tilde.town/1/~f6k/)
which is amazing. I value Gopherspace for its lack of public comments
and all that liking frenzy going on at Facebook. Every person can
write what she prefers, love it or leave it. But if you welcome some
feedback, good old SMTP is at your service. And everything works in a
plain text. I'd like to take a chance to thank all the visitors of
this gopherhole for their opinion or silence depending on which they