# [2018.11.24] Gophering without Pycharm

After changing an employer, I had my working environment changed 
also. For example, I don't have a working Ubuntu installation at my 
workstation yet (and I'm not sure whether I will), neither I have a 
licence for Pycharm Pro. Yesterday my Pycharm Community Edition for 
Mac decided to upgrade to the next version and the Docker plugin was 
accidentally uninstalled. So I wrote a `bash` one-liner to run my 
testing container with new log entries. And then I understood that 
my current workflow for gopher doesn't need an IDE at all.

The only external program related to logging that I'm still fond of 
is Grammarly. Probably when I become more confident in my written 
English, I will drop it from the workflow too and use only simple 
command line tools and several shell scripts.