# [2018.10.18] Editor Wars Now at work, we have two camps among Python programmers: some using PyCharm from JetBrains and some using Vim. The difference is drastic because PyCharm has rich GUI and Vim doesn't. So I don't really see any war here. But when one of the Vim-guys asked me why I didn't use Vim, I answered jokingly: 'Because Emacs is better.' I was preparing myself for a holy war clash, but the guy just asked me: 'Em-what?' Yes, he really never even heard about emacs before. His world was divided into those who used GUI and those who didn't (and used Vim). I was bitterly disappointed:( Actually, I only used XEmacs for writing an article for Mizar Project (http://mizar.org) several years ago. The reason for choosing XEmacs was pretty simple: it was the only editor for which a special Mizar-mode existed at that time ( which was extremely helpful for me). Then I even received a prize for young researchers for this article so I would like to thank Josef Urban for Mizar-mode for Emacs (https://github.com/JUrban/mizarmode). And that was my conversion to Emacs, yet I understand that Vim may be even better in many circumstances.