# [2018.10.06] Massage vs Vaccination

Well, today's cool story from my classic massage instructor was pure 
brilliant: he is strictly against vaccination. He even tried to
provide some facts pro it but then retreated saying to a young mother
who confronted him that it was his own opinion and she could have her
own but he is not interested in opinion of others. He also told that
it's not obligatory and people can write some statement of refusal
and got their children exempted from mandatory vaccination. I'm not
sure whether that's true or not but I think that if you want your
children to attend a government-funded school then you probably have
to comply with their security measures. And being informed about
risks related to vaccination and understanding that some people are
just making money with it I still believe that universal
immunization is part of the war between us humans and pathogens. As a
human being I don't like lethal viruses and bacteria and I would 
rather fight them to death than fight against my fellow Homo

By the way, most people from the class will continue to attend the 
whole, 'medical' massage course. Happily, my part devoted to classic
massage will end next weekend. I'm a bit disappointed about the 
course as a whole. I got some training in petrissage and tapotement
techniques today and I'm satisfied with that but during the second
part of the class the instructor was not even present in a room most
of the time! He told us to practice on our own several times and then
disappeared. And it seemed to me that I was the only student to see
something wrong with it. Others are happy with him. Well, at least I
will learn enough to give a massage to my wife on her birthday:)