gef posted some monthly questions on his plog that I thought I'd answer. his original post: gopher:// Q1 - What is your favorite soup? Wether you make it from scratch or not. Feel free to explain the process I have a couple of options here that are kind of even-ranked for me. Where I live there is a local-ish company called Rill Foods that makes soup mixes. I am a big fan of their Shoshone Falls Black Bean soup and their Corn Chowder recipe. My family also recently discovered an awesome slow cooker beef stew recipe that you can make from scratch here: Q2 - The collapse is near! You only have weeks to download everything you need to survive without internet, what would you download first and why? I have a pretty vast library of offline pdf books saved up that should help with some of this, assuming computers are still usable even if no longer networked. That seems like a pretty steep assumption though. In the event of a collapse that would destroy the internet we would also have massive disruptions to food networks if from nothing else but logistical challenges, so I would probably search for and print out information about identifying edible plants and meat preparation manuals. There are a few good books about this that I cannot remember offhand, but I'll update this post once/if I figure out what they are. Edit: at least one of them is a book that came highly recommended to me, The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Our World from Scratch. I'd probably also want to print out some materials about first aid, common illnesses and how you can treat them with easily accessible materials, disinfection techniques (note: you can make a form of bleach with salt water if you have access to electricity), and food preservation materials. I am also not very familiar with radio technology and use, so I'd probably want to save some of that information too. Whatever it is, I would probably feel like I missed something once the time came... Q3 - What is a dream that you remember most in your life, could be a nightmare or a beautiful dream. I don't and have never dreamed very often, or at least I don't remember them very well, so I can't actually recall any dream vividly enough to detail here :( Q4 - As the rain replace the snow here, what are you most excited about spring? Fresh fruit and garden vegetables. I guess the harvest doesn't really come until summertime, but spring is the start of that which is exciting. Q5 - The surface web is getting over-taken by AI and marketing, yet there are very nice hidden gem online what is the most interesting website that you go back to? Aside from wikipedia (which does also have a gopher version), probably Bruce Schneier's blog at He usually has some pretty interesting takes on technology in general and encryption/privacy in particular. I'm not always 100% onboard with his solutions/policy recommendations (it is almost always some version of 'hit it with more regulations'), but he is informed and thoughtful with his responses in any case. I also enjoy reading phrack magazine when they come out with new stuff, which is not very frequently these days, when I want to scratch my computer security and hacking itches. PoC||GTFO is also in that category and is quite fun to read as well.