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zoxide: a better cd command which remembers frequently used folders.

bc: calculator

cal: calendar

date: displays dates of queried strings like "3 day ago" etc

ipython: python shell that runs in terminal with tab completion, input history, color etc

node: an interpreter for javascript.

units: converts various units to one another like "3 kilograms" gm etc

curl: queries a website, can access its api, headers, can also download html.

wget: recursively downloads all content of webpage

w3m: a command line text browser, also lynx.

fzf: a fuzzy search program on terminal

woob: contains several terminal programs for lyrics, movies, torrents, etc

wikit: connects to wikipedia to print summaries and even full pages.

ftp: can download files through ftp protocol from ftp servers

googler: searches google from the terminal

man, tldr, whatis: to get info about commands.

tar: to compress and extract zip files

pandoc: converts several document types to each other. Eg- html,md,pdf,word,ppt.

dateutils: to calculate date difference and other useful functions.

pdftools: python based terminal program to merge, split, zip pdfs.

pdd: excellent python based terminal program with very simple to use date, time diff and other date time functions.

imgp: convert image sizes, rotate them in bulk.

vim: terminal based text editor.

asciicinema: play ascii videos directly in your terminal.

nnn: file manager with vim like navigation

pdfminer: python based terminal program to convert pdf to text.

visidata: python based, to do data analysis, lightweight.

tablign: python based, makes tables out of text in vim and in the commandline.

column: similar to tablign, but is a built in linux command.

orpie: reverse polish scientific calculator

gforth: a GNU implementation of forth, a simple but powerful high and low level language, also its an OS and compiler.

ncdu: used to check which folders and files occupying max size.

stimer: python based timer and stopwatch with progress bar and option to save timers.

scrot: terminal screenshot tool, with options to wait and select.

gnuplot: plot math graphs.

tesseract: python module to convert images to text, ocr reader.

calcurse: calendar and a to do app in terminal.

dict: dictionary, just enter word you want to lookup as $1

texel: Texel is a useful CLI for quickly reading spreadsheets and copying their contents to clipboard in CSV format.

todo: todo list in terminal.