---------------------------------------------------------------------- My first phlog post 06/03/2021 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I think, like a lot of phlogers here, I don't know exactly what to put here. My first inclination is to write some sort of long windedmission statement, but I really don't think people start at the beginning and work their way up. So instead here is my first impressions of sdf and starting a gopherhole. First sdf has a ton of services while cool, aren't things I would actually use (dial-up looking at you!). Of course I'm sure someone uses them and its nice to see someone offering such things. As far as making a gopher hole, it so far is remarkably easy. I don't know what I expected, but the only real stumbling block was making sure the file permissions are correct.(there was also a strange bug: to see my site I had to connect via the directory not the URL, it seems to be known) If you can run basic shell commands you can make a gopherhole here. All in all a very good experience so far. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- happy phloging!